Happy Heads

Over the last two or three months I have found myself entranced by the world of fiber. I had a glimpse at just how diverse and versatile fiber can be and Pandora’s box has been opened. I have been in need of more information and have been reading up on anything and everything I can find. … Continue reading

Winter is Coming

…Or so my friends seem to think. Last week one of my friends asked me to make him a scarf with two qualifications. 1) Soft as a baby blanket 2) Ultra warm. After discovering that almost any type of embellishment on a scarf is un-manly I agreed to make a very plain scarf that met … Continue reading

Charming – Another Crochet Adventure

Every three years in the summer my entire family gets together for a family reunion. With over 100 people attending each event we have many traditions that I have learned to look forward to. One of my favorite is Bingo night. This July was one of those reunions and in preparation for Bingo night I … Continue reading

New Fiber from Chile & A Giveaway

I love Kickstarter. For those who aren’t familiar, Kickstarter it is a crowd funding website where creative minds pitch ideas and look to the online community to provide the upstart funding they need to make their dream happen. As a community member you can peruse all of the projects and if any of them hit … Continue reading

Hand Spun Yarn

What does it take to decide that a hobby has now become a passion? I first discovered crochet about 2 1/2 years back. I had a lot of free time on my hands and it filled a need. I bought a how-to book, hooks and some very cheap yarn then poured a cup of coffee … Continue reading